Monday 29 August 2011

Grounding Research: initial ideas and personal considerations..

Well, expanding a little on the grounding process, i have set myself a personal brief on top of the school outlines:

  • budgetary constraints necessitate the Device Lab project leading on to the Device Studio (the Device Lab will be a technical exploration leading to a key working element in the Studio - a stable experimental platform)
  • i want to create something for minimal money that is re-useable: an ecological, entertaining and functional piece of embedded design & technology
  • looking to create a stable and reliable platform for future developments and experiments in robotics / autonomy / automation programming
  • the capacity & payload of the device (if appropriate) needs to be adequate for any future projects
My budget for the entire project runs at less than 50$au per week, so as much as possible parts will need to be recycled / appropriated from other devices / machines etc...

The timeline i am working to is dictated partly by the schedule of assessments from school: the technical side of the project needs to be finished in 3 weeks, then there is another 4 weeks for the design, testing and implementation of a conceptual interactive device.  This conceptual device should explore the very nature of interactions, but in my eyes needs to have a practical grounding - i.e something that will be inherently useful to me now, and in the future...

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