Saturday 24 December 2011

progress update / agile

here's how the rover5 arrives...
So my little dagu rover5 along with it's four channel ESC & quadrature decoder arrived a few days ago in the mail...
It's the 2 motor / 2 encoder version, just the thing for prototyping the various possibilities of the personal autonomous tracked mobility device.
In accordance with my sprint1, all the parts have arrived, thepreliminary research has taken into account and the prototyping has begun.  I have decided to build a model that incorporates the most-requested features from the user research, but most importantly has the capacity to be upgraded / modified to any future situations.  It's basically a prototyping platform for the larger tank/esky created in the device lab.

Installing charge points, on/off switch and 6v SLA battery into dagu chassis
First was the cutting of the chassis with a dremel tool and small cutting disc to accomodate the 6v 1.3AH SLA battery.  Holes were drilled for charge points (visible on the back, and a DPDT switch to select either power or charge mode.  A large green LED was also installed (direct to battery via 150ohm resistor) to indicate current flowing in the circuit.  A 5v input / 5AMP load

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